Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Two Most Important Classroom Management Strategies

I firmly believe that there are a number of classroom management strategies that work well. However, I consider two strategies in particular to be most helpful in the classroom. As a gymnastics and dance instructor I have found these two strategies work best at keeping my children engaged and listening. I will definitely be implementing them into my future classroom. The strategies are consistency and student contribution to rules and norms. Consistency is very important with children. As teachers, we should treat our students the same and have expectations for them that are never changing. When we let something slide one time but do not another, children get confused and do not understand our expectations. This causes students to push the boundaries because they know that whatever they did one time was okay and did not receive consequences. Consistency among all children is a no brainer. We should always have the same expectations for all students when it comes to classroom behavior. One student should never get a lesser or greater punishment for doing the same thing another student did. This treats students fairly and with respect. I believe that being consistent in giving direction and expectations to students helps them to understand the rules and know what is acceptable and what is not. Clear and consistent expectations from teachers will give students the tools they need to decipher whether a behavior will be tolerated or not. Hopefully, by handing students these tools, they can choose positive behaviors that lead to success and empowerment.
Students engaging in discussion in class.

 Student contribution in rule and expectation making is a huge encourager for them to understand and want to follow rules. Students should be able to engage in making the rules they are required to follow. When students feel like they have some control in the classroom, they are more likely to feel empowered to work hard and meet expectations. It is also important to note that when students contribute to making rules and expectations, it shows that these rules and norms are meaningful to them and that they actually have a purpose in the classroom. I want students to desire to follow the rules and agree with the rules rather than feeling like a rule is "dumb" or "pointless." These two strategies are ones that can be implemented in any classroom or class setting. They are easy to enforce and sure to create and maintain a positive, balanced, and organized classroom. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Classroom Management Strategies in the K-5 Classroom

 Teaching and engaging elementary school aged children can be very difficult and stressful for all teachers, especially those entering the field. Classroom management is a term for how teachers and educators direct, supervise, and have control over their classrooms. Even as student-centered learning has become a common practice that has been shown to engage students very well, teacher direction is also very important for management of students. There are many widely used and researched classroom management strategies that have been proven to work and keep students engaged. Keeping students on task and involved is very important to their learning and even enjoyment. When students are distracted or not engaged in tasks or lessons, they do not get the opportunity to gain the benefits from learning and being curious. Classroom management is one of the most important issues for teachers to tackle head-on at the beginning of the year in order to have a well balanced, loving, caring, orderly, and engaging classroom environment.

Teacher engaging students in lesson.
I believe that having a solid plan and being consistent with classroom management will help teachers immensely in feeling like they have control over their own classroom. This will also help the students if done with care. Students will have structure in the classroom which leads to comfort and predicability as well as safety. Having students help make classroom norms and rules can encourage the them to follow and respect the rules much more than a traditional way of enforced teacher-only made rules. This also helps students understand what rules mean and why we have them. When students create classroom norms and rules, they become apart of what that rule means. When a teacher goes over the rules at the beginning of the year without any commentary or say from the students, they may not understand why they have to follow certain rules and therefore cause them to not follow them. I believe that with a combination of student-led classrooms and direction and management from teachers that classrooms can pose an enriching environment for all.

Digital Story

 This Digital Story will teach students how to add and subtract two digit numbers using a math strategy called "Creating Friendly Numbe...