Wednesday, March 8, 2023

My Experience With Educational Blogging So Far!

Educational blogging is a wonderful way to share insights and findings pertaining to education with other teachers, students, and parents. This type of blogging allows for educators to relay their ideas and experiences in an organized and edited manner. This allows for readers to best understand the messages educators are trying to send and share. I think that educational blogs are wonderful resources for parents to learn and understand more about their children's teachers and their ideas and beliefs pertaining to the classroom. When researching this topic, I found a list of benefits in education blogging and one stood out to me. The benefit that stuck out to me was that blogging gives teachers a place to reflect on classroom structures and routines as well as lessons, classroom management, and more. Blogging creates a space for educators to reflect, critic, and improve their classroom structures. I think this is very important for all educators to do, and blogging provides a perfect platform for that to be done effectively.

Educator typing on computer
After reading my peers' blogs, I learned more interesting information on topics I am interested in pertaining to the classroom. I learned that parental involvement in the classroom leads to many benefits such as a better attendance record. I definitely agree with the writer Kalee when urging for parental involvement in schools. It benefits the student and the teacher in so many ways. I also really like Anna's blog about addressing mental health in schools. What she said about informing students on mental health and how it creates empathy and care for others is so important. So many children do not get the necessary care they need at home regarding mental health, so making it a priority at school would be super beneficial for all. A topic I was not super well informed about was English Language Learners. I am so glad I read Miss Sanchez's Blog because I got to learn more about ELL and even gain first person insight as she was in ELL. Miss Sanchez talked about her experience and how the ELL programs could be improved so much more. Many ELL programs in schools are lacking support and devotion. Miss Sanchez feels that a good way to start improving English Language Learner programs would be for teachers to incorporate their ELL students in class more.
My experience with blogging this far has been a great one. I have now written four blogs and am excited to continue writing more. I think blogging in general is such a wonderful tool to share ideas, experiences, and more. However, educational blogging is even more useful to me. This tool will be something I will most definitely incorporate into my career as a future teacher. These blogs help me organize my thoughts and opinions about certain classroom issues and educational topics as well as being easy and efficient to compose. I want my students and parents to know that I am always trying to improve myself as a teacher and person and this is a wonderful way to show them my efforts. I also believe student blogging can be a great way to express themselves and their ideas. I cannot wait to implement this use of technology in my classroom some day! 

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